International Summer School - Cluj-Napoca, 2022
The International #Entrep-BootCamp Summer School was an initiative of Inno-EUt+ and was organized by the Student Entrepreneurial Society of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca on 3-7th July, 2022.
The frame of the International Summer School offered a unique opportunity for students from all partner countries of the Inno-EUt+ to develop and expand their entrepreneurial and interpersonal skills, as well as their business ideas in the field of sustainability and climate change. Through this extra-curricular training, students had the opportunity to participate in workshops covering a variety of topics from market segmentation, customer discovery to leadership.
They could also interact with internationally successful entrepreneurs which helped develop their business skills and strengthen networking in the business and academic area. The fundamental intent of this initiative was to convey to young people that the successful development of a start-up is a journey that is travelled through knowledge, passion, creativity and hard work to achieve results.
This initiative is of great importance for all the Inno-EUt+ members, bringing them together in the effort to contribute to the development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in each country.
Climate Entrepreneurial Ideas developed during the Summer School
After the week full of activities meant to help students develop their own business ideas, they were challenged to pitch them:
1. ThINK – is a solution less toxic to the printers’ ink, made of money and coal… very inventive right?
2. ForEVer – is about charging the electric cars’ batteries by freezing the components;
3. Fila Flops – is recycling flip flops that are all over the beaches of Latin America and transforming them into filaments for 3D printers;
4. Diaberry – brings an innovative idea to use blueberries in order to prevent diabetes;
5. Easy Grow – helps growing vegetables through an app that is connected to sensors;
6. Hiking app – aids nature lovers and explorers by providing them info about the status of mountains routes at a given moment.